‘Nobody knows how come the hum, the Hum’ centers around an enigmatic noise, an elusive, low-frequency phenomenon experienced by a select few. With no definitive explanation for its origins or source, it serves as a catalyst for numerous theories and narratives. It delves into the delicate balance between belief and disbelief, where individual imagination fuelled by quasi-scienctific theories weaves a reality where the boundaries between fact and fiction blur and intertwine.

At the intersection of science, conspiracy theories, and the unexplored recesses of the human psyche, The Hum becomes more than just an auditory oddity, it becomes a subtle symphony of low frequency vibrations and unexplained theories whose notes are whispered in hushed tones, a melodic secret shared among those who bear witness to its enchantment.
Online forums and print media became hubs for discussions about The Hum, and from these discourses and discussions, an echo chamber is created where only the prevailing theories are resonated and reverberated, amplifying beliefs that harmonize with existing paradigms.

Allure of the unknown and the human tendency to seek meaning and patterns can lead to the coexistence of scientific exploration, conspiracy theories, and spiritual interpretations and all of them together shape up an alternative narrative.

Nobody knows how come the hum., hum... (4:34 Minutes) Arnolfini Gallery 2024

The World wide Hum map and database project
By Dr Glen McPherson

Nobody knows how come the hum., hum...  164 Pages  2024  (Flipthrough  video)

Nobody knows how come the hum., hum...  Exhibited at Photo Fringe Brighton .
October 2024

Nobody knows how come the hum., hum...  featured as  Martin Parr’s pick  at BOPFOLIO 2024.
Books on photography  (BOP) Festival Bristol October 2024

“I very much liked Ashutosh Shaktan’s  Nobody knows how come the hum, hum... It features a combination of newspaper cuttings, charts and some intriguing photographs. This all adds up  to a thorough examination of the Bristol hum and questions if it exists or is just a figment of the imagination. Topped with a very elegant design the book is ‘oven ready’ for immediate publication.” - Martin Parr